What you get

fundraising support

Benefit from our efforts to integrate nature restoration into every brand out there and effortlessly receive more funding.

integrated donations

Connect to all leading tech platforms (ecommerce, fintech, travel) via our API and start receiving donations on auto-pilot.


Enable brands to launch ridiculously effective impact-driven marketing and social campaigns, showcasing your work.

1:1 Donation tracking

Increase transparency and show the results of your project to individual contributors, massively boosting engagement.

1 / CONTRIBUTORS choose a project

We carefully and continuously curate projects around the globe that bring back nature. Our users select a cause featured on our platform that's close to their heart – whether it’s reforesting lands, reviving coral reefs or clearing plastic. This could be you!

explore projects
Coral restoration by Coral Gardeners
Reforestation by Black Jaguar Foundation
Plastic removal by Plastic Fischer

2 / Projects get to work

Nature restoration projects Partners receive the donation funds (minus the Sumthing Fee) and get to work. Via our platform, they share pictures, drone footage and videos that we validate with AI to ensure that the project meets the right criteria and quality levels. Click here to find out more about that criteria.

Get in touch
Caring for corals in the nursery
Planting trees in the field
Removing plastic from rivers

3 / See and share results

Our platform does not only validate the footage that projects share. We also combine it with our kick-ass technology to make results visible. Users can see the specific part of nature that they contributed to, get restored before their very eyes. This next level engagement can be shared with the world, inspiring others to join the fun. And that’s how we are building a movement.

view results
A coral outplanted in Polynesia
A tree planted in Brazil
Plastic removed in India


Let's restore nature together

Are you ready to join the movement and accelerate your project?
Let’s talk about featuring your work on our platform.
Get in touch