About Sumthing

Sumthing accepts first UN Decade challenge to restore forest in brazil!

published on
October 10, 2023

To collectively work towards the goals and vision of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the United Nations action for the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration plan sets out the clear next steps. Moving from strategy to action, this plan aims to mobilize all stakeholders around key priority areas for restoration – the Restoration Challenges. As part of a broader initiative to support UN Decade challenges and flagships with financial and technological support, Sumthing is proudly accepting its first challenge.

Sumthing will provide financial and technological support to its’ appreciated long-term partner the Black Jaguar Foundation, in full endorsement and support of her mission restore 1 million hectares of forest in Brazil. The aim is to create a nature corridor that connects two vital ecosystems: the Amazon Rainforest and the Cerrado Savannah. The decision to support the Black Jaguar Foundation's mission stems from the recognition that Brazil is one of the world's 17 most biodiverse countries, housing an impressive 15-20% of the planet's biodiversity.

In an effort to engage supporters effectively, Sumthing's platform will provide real-time media updates directly from the project site, enhanced by satellite monitoring. This commitment to transparency ensures that every donor and supporter can witness progress towards this challenge first hand.

In the future, Sumthing's commitment to the UN Decade Action Plan will be expanded by supporting other UN Decade challenges and flagships.

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